
Monday, September 30, 2013

News stuffs.

Hullo all, and welcome to the Apocalypse. A walking dead blog, created a year ago and rotten to the very center. Yes, this means my blog is gone. That also means not to advertise stuff, or post pointless spam upon the poor page. It has been a year since my last post, I am two years older than I was at starting this blog, and am not going to continue blogging. I have a lot of school stuff, and honestly,  I've lost almost all interest in Animaljam. I was previously Glados135, which turned to GladosOfMinecraftia, and now I am PhoenixFeathers, which is the username name I intend to stay on. If you want to keep in touch with me, I Roleplay/Paint art on My username on Chickensmoothie is Apocuette. Please send me a PM, I'd love to keep in touch with some of my best Animaljam friends. But aside from all of that, Since It has been so long from a 'vlog' (I guess you could call it) I'd like to tell everyone a little more about me. I don't have that annoying, high-pitched voice anymore (Which partially was caused by the 3DS, that made me sound like I had a lisp =P) Squee. c: My art has improved loads, and I have actually recieved my first feature. It was your support that got me through to this, thanks! Lastly, should I do another vlog or leave it at this? I know the blog is pretty much caught in the wind, but to any loyal viewers- Please comment. Thank you all for listening. Au' revoir.

P.S {{: Made a new blog, just to chat and what not. Spread it to your friends. c:     


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Merry Glitchmas!

Happy Christmas everyone ^.^ or in animaljam, i'd like to call Glitchmas! this is my second time participating in the Jamaa christmas event.. and the second time where all glitches break lose, so i created Glitchmas (creative... right? :P) but anyways, this is how the event goes-

find a glitch, comment on this post a picture of it, and if it's unique, i will send you an item! (don't worry, they WON'T be storebought :)) but i warn you, i do run out of items so hurry!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Excuse me?

This is an edited post. Previously a post made to vent and rage about a certain jammer, that was created by a small Ten-year old me. Please ignore this spot. c:

                                                                                                                               ~PhoenixFeathers (GladosOfMinecraftia)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sorry guys!

okay, i've been gone because i am busy with homework, school, certain afterschool activities, and other things so i haven't really had time to post! i've been working art pieces if you want to see 'em here :):

 you can see how i progressed x3 all 100% drawn by me! (ill hopefully get back on track and maybe even change the blog to not only animaljam.. :3) <- (cute mustache LOL)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Two of my biggest fans :)

well, they asked me to take a pic of 'em, and i did XD their usernames are: lawlimawesome123, and cupcake29560! :)

yeah short post, but i had to do it XD

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

To Be Forgiven

i have some thing to say, ye scammers are rude and greedy but, what if they admit it? are they still un-hearty and crude? what if they quit, should you still boast about how you are so called 'better' than them? yeah, that's right, everyone give me a no. a few of my friend admitted to being a scammer, they were scared i would de-friend and make fun. i said,  "It takes respect and gutts to admit you've taken items, and i'm not mad, yes, you may have scammed but you had enough respect and courage to tell your friend you did, so i am proud, and no i'm not mad, because you are a true friend to tell" you know what they said? they said it sucks that lots of people dont think like that, dont be rude and harass becuase they admitted, they admitted for a reason, to clear their slate, harassing won't help.

                                                                                                          ~Thanks for listening, hope this sends a message around Jamaa :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jammer of the month!

Ello jammers! once again, you voted, they got chosen! This Months lucky jammers is... Colour54! congratulations to them!

Well that's all for now, Wishing Colour a great day!


                                                                                                                 Update                                                                                            Ello jammers!! its me GladosOfMinecraftia, with a new update! now first things first, new month, new prize! this month's Jammer prize of the month is.. a Monkey pet!

Now, the monkey pets come in the mail and you can customize them, and even put on their onwn clothes! :) go to the pets only party for more accessories too! here is my monkey :)

Now, for the rest of the news :) first off, Jammers all over have Reached the HQ goal of 100 million gems! (be proud >:D) :-P and now.. MONKEYS have returned to jamaa!

                                                                                                                                                              Welcome back monkeys! but don't let the Monkeys hog the whole post! next up we have a new Plant shop found in Sarepia! its found not too far away from where you spawn, (been playing to much minecraft lol!)
They sell things from Tiny trees, to venus fly traps!
                        Treetop Gardens

Next up, Have you ever wanted something at the Summer carnival but can't quite seem to work up the tickets? no worries anymore! now you can BUY tickets! you get 1,000 tickets for just 500 gems, and so on!
                         Ticket Shop
And last, but not least! we have a new costume idea.. you can make your very own Mythical giraffe! (LIST OF ITEMS WILL BE POSTED) and following that, HQ is still deciding who won the den contest!
                        Costume Corner
Well that's all for now jammers, meet you back here soon!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Trade offerings and Shtuff :P

Alright, time to get into trades :) I have a few offers, and if anybody would like to trade, just find me! :D here they are! ^^

Trade 1: MY blue toppy, and founders for red toppy

Trade 2: my lava, black spike wrist, and orange tail for worn, perhaps? :P

that's all :P if anyone would like to offer me a trade, just fill this out and post it on a comment! :D

My item you want:

what is your offer:


how often you are on:

thanks for being such great jammers! jam on! :D


Saturday, August 4, 2012

jammer of august! ^^

well, you voted, they got chosen! very wise choice, congratulations to ihearttessa ranking up the most votes!

if you'd like to be on the next  poll, meet around jamaa and maybe we'll work something out! have a great day jammers!
