
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Its An Anti-Scam Rebellion

Heyo Jammers! its me glados135! And today, i started a scam rebellion, and let me tell you it was insane! i said "turn black if you have been scammed" almost everyone in jamaa turned black! (including me) so that tells a lot, here's a pic!
They're saying i, becuase they've been scammed, including me, no one likes scammers, so why be one?
This glados135, signing off!


  1. Hey Glad, great rebellion today lol!!! I was hiding behind you yelling "IF YOU'VE BEEN SCAMMED SAY I" and "IF YOU DON'T LIKE BEING SCAMMED SAY I"
    It was a great protest and I hope it's working!!
    Keep up the great work
    ~your (black colored) bestie, thunder141 ;)

  2. Thanks! lol so YOU were the one saying that XD, lol well im glad you liked the rebellion! White fur for anti-scamming! and sadly, lots of people turned black (meaning they got scammed D:)

    ~Your (also) black colored friend, Glados135


Hey Jammers! Glados here, just a few rules to keep comments safe and appropriate!

1. NO foul language
2. keep things on topic please! :)
3. do not bad mouth my blog/topic!

Easy right? So enjoy!

1 warning = you get told, from me!

2 warning = 1 hour ban

3 warning = permanent ban

Just keep jammin'!