
Saturday, July 7, 2012

About the headdress giveaway, and another giveaway!

Elloza Jammers! Glados135 here, well for the headdress giveaway, i'm afraid i will have to pick another winner! so therefore, gianni gets the headdress! congratulations! now for the new giveaway ;) code is "green"

New giveaway encounters:

for a blue heart locket, please fill out this form! again, i pick out the best, and SEND it to that player. if you are nonmember and my FRIEND (using the buiddysystem anyhow) i will wait for you to get on, and i will trade you the prize for a store bought old necklace. simple, right? well then, here is your form!:

Why should i give it to you:
will you keep it/how long will you keep it:
Does it mean anything to you, or do you just want it:
Code (is found somewhere on this post..):

                                                                                                                       Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. username - ejaecourts
    Why i should give it to you - so i can remember greenwolf and how greenwolf was such a good friend
    will you keep it - yes
    how long will you keep it - forever
    doesit mean anything to you, or do you just want it - it means a lot to me because it is to remember greenwolf and how awesome she was
    code - green

    (: ~ejaecourts~ :)


Hey Jammers! Glados here, just a few rules to keep comments safe and appropriate!

1. NO foul language
2. keep things on topic please! :)
3. do not bad mouth my blog/topic!

Easy right? So enjoy!

1 warning = you get told, from me!

2 warning = 1 hour ban

3 warning = permanent ban

Just keep jammin'!