
Monday, March 5, 2012

New Rare Item Monday!

Heyo Jammers! Glados135 here! Well Today (Monday, Obviously XP) We have the special rare item! And Im Here to inform you of what it is :3 This Mondays rare item is.... Non Member Cat Hat! So Ya.. I know, i'm not impressed either XD Well I Have A little Special Drawing Here, That'd I'd Like to share with you'z Peoples!

Well Here Is My Blogs Final Mascot! I Do Not Have A Name, So If You Have An Idea Of What To Name Her, Please Post It In The Comments!
Well That's All For Now, Glados135 And Eeveerockz Singing Out!


  1. Here's some name you could name the mascot: Comet, Shadow, Dusk , Midnight, star, Amber, Moon, Eclipse, Snowy, Fang, Spirit, Bella, Snow, Sunset, or... Sam XD sorry some are boy names but eh what the heck!? lolz Pikachu333 out

  2. Lols, Thx for all the suggestions Pikachu! All The boy names could just make her a tomboy :3 Well, I Think Ill Pick... Eclipse :3 Congrats Pik!

    ~Your Friend


Hey Jammers! Glados here, just a few rules to keep comments safe and appropriate!

1. NO foul language
2. keep things on topic please! :)
3. do not bad mouth my blog/topic!

Easy right? So enjoy!

1 warning = you get told, from me!

2 warning = 1 hour ban

3 warning = permanent ban

Just keep jammin'!