
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Awesome Glitch!

Heyo Jammers! it's Glados135! we have discovered a really kool new glitch in jamaa! let's take a look!

Its land animals underwater! Pretty Cool 'Eh? lol, Oh and i have one more thing, recently on AnimalJam, i found out i have an impostor! their username is Glados132 and have the same kind of pattern and things as i do! (so i changed my look >:D) teehee, Well thats all for now, Glados135 and Eeveerockz signing out! oh and P.S. if your wondering why im saying glados and eevee signin out.. its because i want to spport her through her hard times, your a good friend eeveerockz, see yah jammers!


  1. I saw my user on ur buddy list XD

    Like u didnt know that.. XD

    I am just bored. and I felt like commenting. XP

    Your buck tooth vampire friend,

  2. Lol Dolphin XP i accidently left my Buddy List open XD i noticed it when i applied it and was too lazy to take a retake Lol

    -Your Friend,


Hey Jammers! Glados here, just a few rules to keep comments safe and appropriate!

1. NO foul language
2. keep things on topic please! :)
3. do not bad mouth my blog/topic!

Easy right? So enjoy!

1 warning = you get told, from me!

2 warning = 1 hour ban

3 warning = permanent ban

Just keep jammin'!