
Monday, February 13, 2012

New stuff!

Heyo jammers, Glados135 here! here are a few items that recently came out, so i guess we'll start with the rare Monday gift! -drumroll- the new Monday rare is: Medusa Mask! so hurry to Jamaa and get yours today!

Pretty cool 'eh? not Too rare, but i'm not so disappointed as i was about the last Monday rare, (look at a few posts below) well, Plz comment on how you feel about it! Now moving on, the new item that came out is........ -drumroll- Heart Antennae Headband!

They are pretty cool! they ARE for members, (i wish they were free for everyone :/ ) and they cost 300 Gems! so get yours today!

some new things in Jam mart Furniture are the Box O' Chocolates, and A Rose bouquet!

 Rose bouquet: 200 Gem and Box O' Chocolates: 250, and now, new things Under The Sea!  In Bahari Bargins there are the, heart eye patch and heart necklace!                            

And In Kani cove furniture store, there are: Pink treasure, and heart rug!

Pretty cool stuff this update!! And now In Epic Wonders: Ice throne, shadow garden, and princess carriage!

And last but NOT least, in the hot Cocoa hut there is: The winter blanket!!

So Get yours today! i'd say this update was pretty good 'eh? hehe well Enjoy the new things! This is Glados135 And She will return shortly!

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1. NO foul language
2. keep things on topic please! :)
3. do not bad mouth my blog/topic!

Easy right? So enjoy!

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2 warning = 1 hour ban

3 warning = permanent ban

Just keep jammin'!