
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Attack of the flying eyeballs >:D

lol here is a bunch of bunnies, ONCE again in dolphingirl7's den! lol, dolphingirl, you are always having the most craziest parties XD on the picture below, you will see us cray bunnies being, well, CRAZY >:3 lol

Hehe well that's all the buzz i have around jamaa right now, Glados135 signing out!


  1. Mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    I love the "Eyeball Bunny Revenge Clan" >:D


  2. "Eyeball Bunny Revenge Clan" LOL xD The name just makes me laugh :3

    -Knight SpiritClaw (Bogie200)

  3. Lolz ikr!
    We are trying to get back at somebody for scamming my friends founder D:

    We are sooooo gonna get it back!! >:D


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3. do not bad mouth my blog/topic!

Easy right? So enjoy!

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2 warning = 1 hour ban

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Just keep jammin'!