
Sunday, January 15, 2012

WolfWizerd and EeveeRockz, the Great

thanks wolfwizerd and EeveeRockz, you guys truly are an inspiration to me, you have been good to me, and told me how you just love my posts, you are a good friend, though we have not been buds long wolfwizerd, and EeveeRockz and i are buddies (for a long time), i know you are trustful, and nice :D keep on jamming wolfwizerd and EeveeRockz!

Well that's what i have to share for now, Glados135 signing out!

1 comment:

Hey Jammers! Glados here, just a few rules to keep comments safe and appropriate!

1. NO foul language
2. keep things on topic please! :)
3. do not bad mouth my blog/topic!

Easy right? So enjoy!

1 warning = you get told, from me!

2 warning = 1 hour ban

3 warning = permanent ban

Just keep jammin'!